
You Can't Buy a Dinosaur with a Dime, by Harriet Ziefert illustrated by Amanda Haley

價值觀與用錢的方式,往往決定了大半的人生卻很少被當作議題。卻又是個爭議性很大的主題,美國因為是資本主義,孩子特別“現實“,從小建立“沒有不勞而獲的金錢觀“,打工、服務, 都是生活的一部份。
作者Harriet Ziefert寫了好幾本You Can't ... with...的圖畫書。有有關人體的You Can't See Your Bones with Binoculars,You Can't Taste a Pickle With Your Ear,ru. 接著繪者與Fred Ehrlich 合作You Can't Use Your Brain If You're a Jellyfish, You Can't Take Your Body to a Repair Shop, You Can't Lay an Egg if You Are an Elephant.

這本書裡還有“在能力中花錢“(within the budget)的概念。
