
The Babe & I, by David A. Alder, illustrated by Terry Widener

從經濟大蕭條,到Babe Ruth受傷休息,孩子領會到人生有起有落。
根據July 14-22, 1932的真實報導寫作的。
A note about the Author's dedication:
I am the second of six children. When my older brother, Joseph, was a toddler, our aunt Bette looked at him, laughed, and said, "hi, Butch."Joseph laughed, looked at her, and repeated, "Hi Butch." From then on she has been our beloved "Hi Butch." I learned from her to speak lovingly to children, because they repeat what they hear.
作者David A. Alder為兒童寫作了許多傳記類的讀物。這段話很有道理。
