
Lemons Are Not Red, by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Lemons are not RED
Lemons are YELLOW
Apples are RED

Carrots are not PURPLE
Carrots are ORANGE
Egglans are PURPLE

Flamingos are not GRAY
Flamingos are PINK
Elephants are GRAY


The moom is not BLACK
The moon is SILVER
The night is black

Good night!

簡單、創意,已經是Laura的風格了,這樣飽滿的色彩與意境,刺激學齡前的孩子視覺與想像,一頁一頁翻下去,讓小孩還想再猜,即使是大小孩也喜歡一頁一頁翻下去,圖畫書裡的視覺引導讀者翻頁的概念,作者用抽象的意境來讓讀者前進;是我看到最能呼應Eric Carle經典之作 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 的圖畫書。
