
Steve Jenkins, more

那天看完書後,一直興起,就想為什麼要自己猜測,不如直接問作者,於是發了一篇e-amil給 Steve Jenkins,如下:

Dear Mr. Jenkins,
My picture-book sharing circle started with your books this morning.
The topic was brought up because our book club talked about David Wisniewsky last week.
We are a group of picture book lovers and readers, gather some college teachers, moms, English tutors, and book shop owner at the SilexBooks <http://www.silexbooks.com.tw/silexbooks/> in Taipei.

I have few questions:

* Do you make certain kind of the paper by yourself? The wings of
dragonfly confused us.(Prehistoric Actual Size)
* How do you find your material (I mean paper)?
* Do you use X-acto knifes?

There's a paper culture museum <http://www.suhopaper.org.tw/english/default.htm> in Taipei. The owner also runs a store with great collection of paper next to the museum. Visitors can make their own sheet of paper by using ready-made paper pulp in museum. If you are interested in this. I can take pictures for you.
Last, your books are amazing. Do you keep all the original manuscripts? Is there any exhibition?

Best regards,
Charlene Lai

Hi Charlene,

I'm glad you're sharing the books -- thanks!

Here are a few answers:

Those dragonfly wings are actually maple tree seeds. I'm not sure if those trees grow where you are. I don't usually use things that aren't paper, but in the US every kid is familiar with maple tree seeds -- they call them 'helicopter seeds', because if they are dropped from a height they spin around as they fall. It's sort of a visual joke...

I use mostly handmade papers, many of which come from Asia. I do make a few paste papers - basically painting the surface of the paper.

Most of my paper comes from a single art store in New York City. They have a big handmade paper section, and I travel there twice a year or so to shop for paper (New York Central).

I do use X-acto knives. The only time I don't is when I want a rough edge, and tear the paper. It takes several hundred knife blades to illustrate a book, because the blade's points snap off and I have to replace them so they cut cleanly.

If you know of a good art supply store that sells paper (on the internet) in Taipei, let me know, and I'll check them out. I'd love to see the pictures of the museum store.

I keep most of the original art. Perhaps someday there will be an big exhibit... There is an exhibit that includes some of my work in Korea right now -- that's the only one I know of.

Thanks for writing,

Steve Jenkins

