

The Ballad of the Pirate Queens

這是史上有記載的女海盜Bonny Anne 與 Mary Reade,她們被捕之後,因為有身孕所以不能坐牢,放回船上,其他的海盜都被吊刑處理了,只有她們兩人帶著小海盜繼續海上討生活。

Owl Moon

Letting Swift River Go

How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?

How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?

How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?


A Letter from Phoenix Farm

Roanoke The Lost Coloby

The Wolf Girls

An Unsolved Mystery from History

King Long Shanks

Mouse's Birthday

Child of Faerie, Child of Earth

Commander Toad in Space


Welcome to the Green House

Baby Bear's Books

Baby bear's Chairs


Sky Dogs


One More Acorn

Don Freeman追求平等人權,1978年去世後,這份用松鼠當主角的書就隨著許多文件收藏。其實這是1963年10月他到華盛特區為報導國會簽署人權憲章時開始寫的,但在11月,當時的美國總統甘乃迪被暗殺,這本書也被擱置;他出差時,妻子與兒子Roy待在家裡,Don總會設法讓家人知道他在外面的行程,就像這隻松鼠爸爸,多次在外衝撞想要帶著食物回家的心情;三十年之後,身為兒子的Roy用書寫回報父親那樣的心情。

Lots of Dots

some dots are nig
some dots are small
Some dots float
some dots fall
THere are dots fot going
and dots for licking
dots for snacking
and dots for kicking
some dots are heavy
some dots are light
some dots are colorful
and some dots are bright
there are dots on shirts
dots for the sun
dots that smell sweet
and dots that are fun
there are dots on dogs
and dots in the air
there are dots on your plate
There are dots everywhere!


Pharaoh's Boat

A Long Piece of String

CIty I Love

Betsy Red Hoodie


Henry in Love

Kack's Kite

The Three Little Pigs, an architectural tale

The Happy Egg

Olivia goes to Vanice

The Three Astronauts

BABAR comes to America