
Bottle Houses, by Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker, illustrated by Julie Paschkis

Head, Body, Leg, A Story from Liberia, by Won-Ldy Paye & Margaret H. Lippert, illustrated Julie Paschkis

A Boy Just For Me/ A Pup Just For Me, Ed Young

What about me? by Ed Young

Birches, by Robert Frost, Illustrated by Ed Young

I Wish I Were a Butterfly, by James Howe

Dreamcatcher, by Audrey Osofsky, illustrated by Ed Young

Sylvia Jean, by LIsa Campbell Ernst


This Is the VAN, by Lisa Campbell Errnst

Zinniz and Dot, by Lisa Campbell Ernst

Pascual and the Kitchen Angels, by Tomie dePaola

一個從出生就備受神照顧的孩子,長大之後為了要服務飢餓的人,自願到修道院去,但是卻被指定到廚房工作,他什麼都不會,只好開始禱告,隨之,天使紛紛來幫忙,這些稱為kitchen angels…

The Popcorn Book, by Tomie dePaola


The Cloud Book, by Tomie dePaola

Charlite Needs a Cloak, by Tomie dePaola


The Hunter and the Animals, by Tomie dePaola

Pancakes for Breakfast, by Tomie dePaola

Four Stories for Four Seasons, by Tomie dePaola

Michael Bird-Boy, by Tomie dePaola

Watch Out for the Chicken Feet in Your Soup


The Knight and the Dragon, by Tomie dePaola

Bill and Pete series, by Tomie dePaola




Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? by jean Fritz, illustrated by Tomie dePaola

The Mysterious Giant of Barletta - An Italian Folktale adapted and illustrated by Tomie dePaola

Helga's Dowry - A Troll Love Story , by Tomie dePaola

Pages of Music, by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Tomie dePaola

The Legend of Old Befana, by Tomie dePaola

Mice Squeak, We Speak, by Tomie dePaola

original title= I Speak, I Say, I Talk

Aice Nizzy Nazzy, by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Tomie dePaola

A Witch of Santa Fe

The Badger and the Magic Fan, by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Tomie dePaola

The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote, by Tony johnston, illustrated by Tomie dePaola


Little Grund and the Big Egg, by Tomie dePaola

A prehistoric fairy tale

Fin M'coul, by Tomie dePaola

The Clown of God, by Tomie depaola

The Legend of Indian Paintbrush, by Tomie depaola



Jamie O'Rourke, by Tomie dePaola



Jamie O'Rourke是愛爾蘭的民間故事裡一個很懶很懶的男人,他的太太出門後他遇到的Pooka懶鬼為他清理雜亂的家裡,pooka是一種報應說,生前極偷懶,死後得到逞罰,必須一直幫人家打掃才能得到溫暖,不然就是有人可憐他,給他一件外套保暖。

Days of the Blackbird, by Tomie dePaola

每年的一月29,30,31被認為是一年中最冷的日子,稱為"Days of blackbird" ,這個典故是Tomie在某年的一月30日在一個義大利餐廳聽到的,她並且推薦這個在New Hempshire的餐廳:La Meridiana, Wilmont Flat, NH, USA.